Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Billy Blanks Celebrity Fit Sculpt

Billy Blanks Celebrity Fit Sculpt

Billy Blanks Tae Bo - Cardio [2004]

Billy Blanks is one of my favorite instructors.  One thing I would like to say is that in life, what matters most is the "reason why you are trying to achieve something".  To get good results, have fun and get better at what you do, don't set goals to compete with others.  Do it for "you",  The real challenge is to be true to yourself and achieve what you want to achieve for all the "right reasons" and not the wrong ones.  Everything I have ever set my mind to do in life, to achieve, was not because others pushed me to do it, or to prove anything to anyone.  I did what I wanted to do, when my mind was made up that I wanted to do it, without others and what they chose to do in mind.  We need to "focus on ourself" first and foremost to achieve greatness, achieve what we have set out to do.