Saturday, May 7, 2011

American Hikers Held in Iran

One thing after another. #1 - I must state that we all need to have some common sense, use street smarts no matter what country we may be in. If you are in a foreign country, by golly you better know where and with whom you are traveling/hiking/touring. There is no way I would have been out hiking in any foreign country without being sure that area is an area where USA and/or any outside citizens are allowed to be. In order to keep peace people we must have respect for other countries and obey their laws/rules if we visit there. If you aren't willing to abide certain rules enforced by other countries (don't go there). To be quite honest, because I care about my safety you would never see me in any foreign country doing any kind of hiking with just a couple of people in a place we know nothing about and are not even sure of our own security there. If you wish to sightsee you better do it with a large group of people with a tour guide (don't you think so??)
I must also say that I feel it's going overboard to hold people hostage who meant no harm/had no weapons and did not intentionally trespass in an area where they were not meant to be. I would not keep them improsoned but I feel it would be fair to inform them that they must respect other countries and take into consideration areas that they are not allowed to trespass into. They should "think" before they just go off anywhere in a foreign country not knowing where they are legally allowed to trespass and where they are not.
The actions they took, I must state would make even wise American Citizens wonder what they would be doing out there??? There isn't that much wanting to go hiking in the world. Come one now. I know better than to go into "any foreign country" and not ask questions about where I am going and/or be in company of a tour guide and/or someone from that country showing me around.
Don't look for problems that can easily be avoided people. There is enough problems in the world that to start more by going into foreign countries and trespassing in areas where we do not belong and then we get locked up/arrested which causes problems for the USA, because then we expect the president and/or others to just be able to easily come and get us out. By not "thinking" about your actions when you enter foreign countries you also may be creating problems for the USA. We don't need any more problems people. Have respect and think about the laws in other countries if you desire to go there. Peace: All it takes is more respect, thinking before we act, respecting the laws of other countries, having some knowledge about those countries we are going to. Showing love and kindness towards all people. Taking it into consideration that people do make mistakes. Not everything that happens is intentional.

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