Saturday, June 29, 2019

Everything is going wrong! - Mufti Menk

Lower Your Gaze | Mufti Menk | Blessed Home Series | Subtitled

Good speech.  You know this video speaks truth.  Some women dress in a manner purposefully to gain attention from men.  When you have more going for yourself than just your body and looks, then you don't have to dress a certain way intentionally to get attention.  The same goes with women wearing lots of jewelry, large earrings that are so heavy they rip the ears, lots of gold chains, lots of rings on the fingers and it must be expensive jewelry for some.  I have no jewelry at all.  When I have any I buy costume jewelry like colorful beads or pearls.  I never dress to get attention or wear jewels to draw more attention.  I feel like this, I want to be noticed "for me", "for my intelligence and skills", I don't want people to see me and what draws them to me "first and foremost are jewels around my neck and on my ears and fingers, nor the clothes that show my skin, bare body parts.  I always say that what I wear may not look perfect on me, but I'm not dressed in any way on purpose to draw the eyes of men.  I like to look good for myself and God first and I don't worry about designer clothes or name brand.  I just buy what I like that is comfortable.  I do like pretty colors I must admit.  That is because I like to feel alive and God created the earth and animals in color.  Colors are not a bad thing.  People have taken "colors" like they have lots of other things and tried to turn it into something bad, use it for hate and crime.  That is not why things of the earth were created in different design and colors.  Just look at the animals of the sea and of the earth and sky.  They are all different colors.

Thursday, March 14, 2019

15 Korean Celebrities Who Committed Suicide

It's sad and a shame to hear these stories.  Life may not always be easy and go exactly how you want it to, but people need to stop feeling the need to take their lives every time things don't go well.  We have to try to love ourselves more than that.  Money and fame is not all that life should be about.  We should want to live for God and ourselves and our loved ones (family), those we care about.  I think it's important to start telling our kids at a young age that when you fall down, you get back up and keep going.  In life there will be ups and downs (that's life) and it's that way for all people, but you don't give up on life, throw in the towel because you feel you have something to prove to anybody, because you worry about what others think of you, you feel you have a certain "image to uphold".  In life we should live to "do the best we can".  We can't let love for money and fame take over and rule our hearts and minds.  You do that, it's like you are bound to fall.  We need to love ourselves enough to not want to ever take our own life and also keep God in mind, because we are not supposed to take our own life.  With faith in God, people would not want to do that.  That's what "real faith" is.  We need to keep in mind at all times that the money and fame does not buy you real love and true happiness.  It's not what you do, but the reasons why you do it.  Don't live for money and fame, most people who do that are doomed from start.  We need to remember that famous or not "we are still human".  We will make mistakes.  We will have ups and downs.  We will not win at everything.  We should be strong enough, have enough courage to keep going on.  We should train ourselves to be a strong person.  What is most important is what you think of yourself, not what others think of you.  It's how you love yourself, not how much others may or may not love you.  We need to try to put an end to all of this suicide that relates to fame, music.  It's makes no sense.  We need to become a stronger people and realize what is most important in life, which are the things that money can't buy.

Full House - Behind The Scenes

[Fancam] 110101 ADIEU 2010 with RAIN byB4.마리 part 1

Sunday, February 3, 2019

Where parents fail today! - Mufti Menk

My Movie mp4 - A Valentine Kiss

My Movie mp4 - Love Is Heavenly

This month is the month for lovers and love, (though each and every day should actually be a day for love), this month there is Valentine's Day. I will be making some photo slideshows and posting them for Valentine's Day. Hopefully I'll have some Valentine photos online too that you can check out.

Have a wonderful Valentine's Dayall, this February 14, 2019.

My Movie mp4 - Love Is Heavenly



三代目 情熱大陸 ①

三代目 情熱大陸 ②

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Billy Blanks Celebrity Fit Sculpt

Billy Blanks Celebrity Fit Sculpt

Billy Blanks Tae Bo - Cardio [2004]

Billy Blanks is one of my favorite instructors.  One thing I would like to say is that in life, what matters most is the "reason why you are trying to achieve something".  To get good results, have fun and get better at what you do, don't set goals to compete with others.  Do it for "you",  The real challenge is to be true to yourself and achieve what you want to achieve for all the "right reasons" and not the wrong ones.  Everything I have ever set my mind to do in life, to achieve, was not because others pushed me to do it, or to prove anything to anyone.  I did what I wanted to do, when my mind was made up that I wanted to do it, without others and what they chose to do in mind.  We need to "focus on ourself" first and foremost to achieve greatness, achieve what we have set out to do.