Saturday, June 29, 2019

Lower Your Gaze | Mufti Menk | Blessed Home Series | Subtitled

Good speech.  You know this video speaks truth.  Some women dress in a manner purposefully to gain attention from men.  When you have more going for yourself than just your body and looks, then you don't have to dress a certain way intentionally to get attention.  The same goes with women wearing lots of jewelry, large earrings that are so heavy they rip the ears, lots of gold chains, lots of rings on the fingers and it must be expensive jewelry for some.  I have no jewelry at all.  When I have any I buy costume jewelry like colorful beads or pearls.  I never dress to get attention or wear jewels to draw more attention.  I feel like this, I want to be noticed "for me", "for my intelligence and skills", I don't want people to see me and what draws them to me "first and foremost are jewels around my neck and on my ears and fingers, nor the clothes that show my skin, bare body parts.  I always say that what I wear may not look perfect on me, but I'm not dressed in any way on purpose to draw the eyes of men.  I like to look good for myself and God first and I don't worry about designer clothes or name brand.  I just buy what I like that is comfortable.  I do like pretty colors I must admit.  That is because I like to feel alive and God created the earth and animals in color.  Colors are not a bad thing.  People have taken "colors" like they have lots of other things and tried to turn it into something bad, use it for hate and crime.  That is not why things of the earth were created in different design and colors.  Just look at the animals of the sea and of the earth and sky.  They are all different colors.

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